
Update regarding technical work at Gilston Park Estate

19 September 2023 | Local News

Update regarding technical work at Gilston Park Estate

Places for People is committed to delivering a healthy and resilient new community that is fit for the future and greatly benefits the lives of new and existing residents. As you may be aware, East Herts issued a resolution to grant outline planning permission earlier this year (reference number 3/19/1045/OUT) which established the principle of development in addition to its wider allocation in the District’s Local Plan.


As you may be aware, some technical works are currently being undertaken to inform the design of associated infrastructure. As part of this work, some ground investigation works are being undertaken between 9am and 5pm on Thursday 28th September 2023.


This includes the following:

-Traffic management will be in place with a 3-way light control system on Eastwick Road and Burnt Mill Lane. 

-Some trial holes will also be undertaken on the north side of Eastwick Road opposite Burnt Mill Lane however, the precise locations will be decided on site and the 3-way light control system may be adjusted to suit.


We have taken onboard the comments that have been raised in regard to traffic light timings and we are working with our traffic management company to improve the sequence where achievable. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by these works.


Why have these works been given approval?

These works have been approved to enable detailed design of the Stort Crossings.


Why is this additional work needed and why were they not undertaken in the previous ground investigations?

The works were agreed as part of the previous ground investigations, however, they could not be finished within the time period, therefore, they have been scheduled to take place on Thursday 28th September.


If you have any questions regarding these investigation works, then please do get in touch by calling our dedicated phone number 0800 148 8911 (Monday – Friday 9am-5:30pm) or by emailing us at construction@gilston.info and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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