Healthy, active and vibrant. These qualities are at the core of successful places. We want to create places alive with these qualities at Gilston Park Estate.

Beauty and design
Our vision is bound together by our commitment to create an inclusive community, with homes or people of all ages and stages in their lives. Gilston Park Estate’s mix of 8,500 will be available to buy, rent or part-own. A percentage of housing at Gilston Park Estate will be affordable and available at below the market-level rate for housing in the area.
These homes play a key part in creating healthy communities, where places play a role in improving people’s health and wellbeing.
Homes for all
Our neighbourhoods will be designed to make it easier for older people, with dementia-friendly streets and signage included alongside wider pavements. The homes will also help to reduce health risks, by ensuring that they are dry, warm and affordable to heat.
Healthcare facilities, complete with digital access and SMART technology, will be provided at an early stage. A new primary care centre is proposed for the first village, and GP provision will also be easily available.
Responding to our landscape and heritage
We also recognise that sustainable places must fit well into their surrounding areas if they are to be successful.
This is why we will enhance the natural environment and respect historic sites throughout the development of villages and open spaces at Gilston Park Estate.
We will restore much of the development site’s former agricultural land to open countryside, enabling residents to enjoy new open green space. On the site, two country parks are proposed to the north of the development, complemented by three central community parks offering sporting facilities and opportunities for people to meet.
To protect the area’s historic sites, we will limit development near St Mary’s Church to protect a large area of the site to the south, whilst restoring a historic lane nearby to improve access. We will also take measures to protect and enhance the setting of Gilston Park House and the nearby Mount Scheduled Monument.
This is part of a wider set of sensitive development areas which cover historic parts of the site to ensure that they feature as part of Gilston Park Estate long into the future.
Britain loses more than 130 million working days to ill-health each year. New, well designed housing developments like Gilston Park Estate can help to address this.