Our proposals would restore land at the heart of the development to open countryside for people to enjoy, with new walking paths and trails.

A consultation process has been developed to engage local people in the process of creating a masterplan for the Gilston Area’s strategic landscaping and Village 1, and has been put together to meet the requirements for engagement set out in the Gilston Area Charter SPD and Gilston Area Community Engagement Strategy (GACES). A community working group, made up of local stakeholders, has met through the masterplanning process to assist the team to create community-led masterplans for Gilston. This has been complemented by engagement with the wider public in 2021 and proposed also in 2024.
In line with the draft Community Engagement Plan for each masterplan, resources have been uploaded here.
- Strategic Landscape masterplan
- Community Working Group Session 1 documents
- Community Working Group Session 2 documents
- Community Working Group Session 3 documents
- Community Working Group Session 4 documents
- Agenda
- Presentation
- Public consultation boards one & two
- Interim Report
- Village 1 masterplan
- Community Working Group Session 3 documents
- Community Working Group Session 4 documents